Kei recovers from drowning in the ocean but then is run into by an old lady on a bicycle. He decides to stop and help her. Sato addresses the seven Ajin who attend his private meeting and gives them the option of joining him in a massacre. Those that don't, he plans to keep as captives. Three decide to join him, but four do not. Two are shot and two run, but only one young boy, Ko Nakano, escapes. Kei helps the old lady home, and although she realises he's an Ajin, takes no action. Kei uses the opportunity to carry out some tests of his own to summon the Black Ghost. Nakano arrives home to find armed men sent by Tosaki to capture him. Before he's caught, an ambulance called by a neighbour arrives and takes Nakano to hospital. He dies, but re-awakens and escapes. Meanwhile Sato records a public message threatening to change public opinion by force, commencing with an attack on a pharmaceuticals company in 10 days.